Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day Eight

Saturday was set aside for sightseeing in Zagreb. We walked to the local train station (about 20 minutes away) and paid 47Kuna (about $10) for the short ride.

No, we didn't ride on anything this old.

Tin, his girlfriend Cassia and his friend Blaj joined us. The 3 of them had shopping to do but we were able to join up with them later at the mall.

Fresh peaches from the market.

Croatian Bulldog!

Baptist Church of Zagreb. No, none of the big churches shown are the same as this one.

Very nice, upscale mall. Wonder where we will find ourselves shopping at?

Croatian Pizza for dinner!

We helped move the baptistry from the first floor to the sanctuary on the second floor. As you will see, it was a tight fit.

Alex's 16th birthday! Yes, we did sing and yes we did sing real loud (in English of course)!

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